Commit e1db8f84 authored by Mikael Boden's avatar Mikael Boden


parent eda971ca
...@@ -165,9 +165,31 @@ class Sequence(object): ...@@ -165,9 +165,31 @@ class Sequence(object):
symbolCounts[symbol] = self.count(symbol) symbolCounts[symbol] = self.count(symbol)
return symbolCounts return symbolCounts
def find(self, findme): def getDegapped(self):
""" Create the sequence excluding gaps, and provide the corresponding indices for the gapped version, e.g.
>>> gappy = Sequence('AC--TA-GA', DNA_Alphabet, name = 'myseq', gappy = True)
>>> degapped, indices = gappy.getDegapped()
>>> print(degapped)
myseq: ACTAGA
>>> print(indices)
[0, 1, 4, 5, 7, 8]
idxs = []
newseq = []
for i in range(len(self.sequence)):
if not self.sequence[i] == '-':
return Sequence(newseq, self.alphabet,,, gappy = False), idxs
def find(self, findme, gappy = False):
""" Find the position of the specified symbol or sub-sequence """ """ Find the position of the specified symbol or sub-sequence """
if gappy == False or self.gappy == False:
return ''.join(self.sequence).find(findme) return ''.join(self.sequence).find(findme)
else: # if the sequence is gappy AND the function is called with gappy = True THEN run the find on the de-gapped sequence
degapped, idxs = self.getDegapped()
idx = ''.join(degapped).find(findme)
return idxs[idx] if idx >= 0 else -1
""" """
Below are some useful methods for loading data from strings and files. Below are some useful methods for loading data from strings and files.
...@@ -590,6 +612,51 @@ class Alignment(): ...@@ -590,6 +612,51 @@ class Alignment():
s.set(a, b, int(round(sab))) s.set(a, b, int(round(sab)))
return s return s
def outliers(self, cap = None):
Score the extent to which each sequence in the alignment is an outlier
:param cap: the number of sequences that need to share a the state of a position for it to be optimally aligned
:return: a tuple of two lists, each with a score for each sequences, in order of the alignment;
the first list contains an entropy-based score accumulated over the whole sequence;
the second list has a gap-continuity score (the greatest entropy-based score collated for a single, continuous gap, most probably a "deletion");
the third list has a character-continuity score (the greatest entropy-based score collated for a single, continuous character string, most probably an "insertion");
for all three scores, higher means outlier, zero means it is optimally aligned
nseqs = len(self.seqs)
if not cap:
cap = nseqs
gapmat = numpy.zeros((nseqs, self.alignlen))
ngaps = numpy.zeros((self.alignlen))
entscore = [0 for _ in range(nseqs)] # cumulative entropy based score
gapscore = [0 for _ in range(nseqs)] # highest gap score
insscore = [0 for _ in range(nseqs)] # highest insert score
for c in range(self.alignlen):
for r in range(nseqs):
gapmat[r, c] = 1 if self.seqs[r][c] == '-' else 0
ngaps[c] += gapmat[r, c]
for r in range(nseqs):
curgap = 0 # current gap score (cumulative from previous non-gap position)
curchr = 0 # current insertion score (cumulative from previous gap position)
in_gap = False
for c in range(self.alignlen):
agree_cnt = ngaps[c] if gapmat[r, c] == 1 else (nseqs - ngaps[c])
logent = math.log(math.log(agree_cnt, nseqs) + 0.000001) if agree_cnt < cap else 0.0
if gapmat[r, c] == 1:
if not in_gap:
curgap = 0
curgap -= logent
if curgap > gapscore[r]:
gapscore[r] = curgap
else: # gapmat[r, c] == 0, i.e. character
if in_gap: # first character in a string
curchr = 0
curchr -= logent
if curchr > insscore[r]:
insscore[r] = curchr
entscore[r] -= logent
in_gap = gapmat[r, c] == 1
return entscore, gapscore, insscore
def calcDistances(self, measure, a=1.0): def calcDistances(self, measure, a=1.0):
""" Calculate the evolutionary distance between all pairs of sequences """ Calculate the evolutionary distance between all pairs of sequences
in this alignment, using the given measure. Measure can be one of in this alignment, using the given measure. Measure can be one of
...@@ -1118,12 +1185,11 @@ class Regexp(object): ...@@ -1118,12 +1185,11 @@ class Regexp(object):
def search(self, sequence): def search(self, sequence):
""" Find matches to the motif in the specified sequence. Returns a list """ Find matches to the motif in the specified sequence. Returns a list
of triples, of the form (position, matched string, score). Note that of triples, of the form (position, matched string, score). Note that
the score is always 1.0 because a consensus sequence either matches the score is always 1.0 because a regexp either matches
or doesn't. """ or doesn't. """
if not type(sequence) is Sequence: if not type(sequence) is Sequence:
sequence = Sequence(sequence) sequence = Sequence(sequence)
sequenceString = sequence[:] sequenceString = sequence[:]
results = [] results = []
for match in self.regex.finditer(sequenceString): for match in self.regex.finditer(sequenceString):
results.append((match.start(),, 1.0)) results.append((match.start(),, 1.0))
...@@ -1335,5 +1401,13 @@ def runBLAST(sequence, program='blastp', database='uniprotkb', exp='1e-1'): ...@@ -1335,5 +1401,13 @@ def runBLAST(sequence, program='blastp', database='uniprotkb', exp='1e-1'):
return ids return ids
if __name__ == '__main__': if __name__ == '__main__':
seqs = readFastaFile('/Users/mikael/ASR/CYP11/CYP11_aln_full.fa', Protein_wX, gappy=True) aln = readClustalFile('/Users/mikael/simhome/ASR/gappy.aln', Protein_Alphabet)
print(('Read', len(seqs), 'sequences')) x, g, i = aln.outliers()
for s in range(len(aln)):
print(aln[s].name, x[s], g[s], i[s])
ngs, idxs = aln[s].getDegapped()
print('\t', ngs, idxs)
idx = aln[s].find('FFVK', gappy = True)
if idx >= 0:
print('\t', aln[s].sequence[idx:])
print(('Read', len(aln), 'sequences'))
...@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def search(query, dbName='uniprot', format='list', limit=100, columns=""): ...@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def search(query, dbName='uniprot', format='list', limit=100, columns=""):
else: else:
return data return data
except urllib.error.HTTPError as ex: except urllib.error.HTTPError as ex:
raise RuntimeError( raise RuntimeError("utf-8"))
elif dbName.startswith('refseq'): elif dbName.startswith('refseq'):
dbs = dbName.split(":") dbs = dbName.split(":")
if len(dbs) > 1: if len(dbs) > 1:
...@@ -358,12 +358,12 @@ class EBI(object): ...@@ -358,12 +358,12 @@ class EBI(object):
databaseData = '' databaseData = ''
for db in databaseList: for db in databaseList:
databaseData += '&database=' + db databaseData += '&database=' + db
encodedParams = urllib.parse.urlencode(params) encodedParams = urllib.parse.urlencode(params).encode('utf-8')
encodedParams += databaseData encodedParams += databaseData.encode('utf-8')
else: else:
encodedParams = urllib.parse.urlencode(params) encodedParams = urllib.parse.urlencode(params).encode('utf-8')
print(url) print(url)
self.jobId = urllib.request.urlopen(url, encodedParams).read() self.jobId = urllib.request.urlopen(url, encodedParams).read().decode('utf-8')
self.createLock() self.createLock()
return self.jobId return self.jobId
...@@ -373,20 +373,20 @@ class EBI(object): ...@@ -373,20 +373,20 @@ class EBI(object):
if jobId is None: if jobId is None:
jobId = self.jobId jobId = self.jobId
url = self.__ebiServiceUrl__ + self.service + '/status/%s' % jobId url = self.__ebiServiceUrl__ + self.service + '/status/%s' % jobId
status = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read() status = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8')
return status return status
def resultTypes(self): def resultTypes(self):
""" Get the available result types. Will only work on a finished job. """ """ Get the available result types. Will only work on a finished job. """
url = self.__ebiServiceUrl__ + self.service + '/resulttypes/%s' % self.jobId url = self.__ebiServiceUrl__ + self.service + '/resulttypes/%s' % self.jobId
resultTypes = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read() resultTypes = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8')
return resultTypes return resultTypes
def result(self, resultType): def result(self, resultType):
""" Get the result of the given job of the specified type. """ """ Get the result of the given job of the specified type. """
url = self.__ebiServiceUrl__ + self.service + '/result/%s/%s' % (self.jobId, resultType) url = self.__ebiServiceUrl__ + self.service + '/result/%s/%s' % (self.jobId, resultType)
try: try:
result = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read() result = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8')
if resultType == 'error': if resultType == 'error':
raise RuntimeError('An error occurred: %s' % result) raise RuntimeError('An error occurred: %s' % result)
except(urllib.error.HTTPError): except(urllib.error.HTTPError):
...@@ -422,3 +422,108 @@ class EBI(object): ...@@ -422,3 +422,108 @@ class EBI(object):
return results[0] return results[0]
else: else:
return results return results
def getUniProtDict(ids, cols="", db='uniprot', identities=None):
:param ids: The list of UniProt IDs
:param cols: The list of UniProt database columns
:param db: The database to search - uniprot or uniref
:param identity: The identity to search uniref with
:return: A dictionary mapping each UniProt ID to another dictionary where the keys are database columns and the
values are the information stored within those columns
Get a list of UniProt IDs and a list of UniProt columns you're interested in.
Full list of UniProt column names -
uniprot_names = ['Q9LIR4', 'Q1JUQ1', 'P05791', 'P0ADF6']
cols = ["lineage(SUPERKINGDOM)", "genes", "lineage(KINGDOM)"]
up_dict = getUniProtDict(uniprot_names, cols)
for record in up_dict:
print (record, up_dict[record].get("lineage(SUPERKINGDOM)"))
for record in up_dict:
print (record, up_dict[record].get("genes"))
If a record doesn't have an entry in UniProt for that column it'll just return None
print (up_dict['Q1JUQ1'])
print (up_dict['Q1JUQ1']['lineage(KINGDOM)'])
up_dict = getUniProtDict(["Q9LIR4", "P99999"], cols=["members"], db="uniref", identities = 1.0)
You can either pass a list of identities for each UniProt identifier (in which case the list of identities must be
the same size as the list of identifiers. Or you can just pass a single identity to search Uniref at.
# Format the lists of IDs and columns correctly
cols = ",".join(cols)
if db == 'uniprot':
updated_ids = ' or '.join(ids)
elif db == 'uniref':
# If we just got a single value for an identity, create a list the same size as the queries with just this value
if type(identities) != list:
identities = [identities] * len(ids)
elif len(identities) != len(ids):
raise RuntimeError('Either supply a single identity threshold or supply one for each identifier in the list')
# Check that the identity thresholds are valid values
for x in identities:
if x not in [1.0, 0.9, 0.5]:
raise RuntimeError("UniRef threshold values must be either 1.0, 0.9, or 0.5. Supplied value was - " + str(x))
# Add the query syntax around the identifiers
updated_ids = ""
for query, identity in zip(ids, identities):
updated_ids += "(member:" + query + "+AND+identity:" + str(identity) + ")+OR+"
updated_ids = updated_ids[0:-4]
raise RuntimeError('Database should be either uniprot or uniref')
url = '' + db + '/'
params = {
'format': 'tab',
'query': updated_ids,
'columns': "id," + cols
data = urllib.parse.urlencode(params).encode('utf-8')
request = urllib.request.Request(url, data)
opener = urllib.request.build_opener()
response =
page ='utf-8')
up_dict = {}
# For each record we retrieve, split the line by tabs and build up the UniProt dict
for line in page.split("\n")[1:]:
if line:
splitlines= line.split("\t")
id_dict = {}
pos = 1
for col in cols.split(","):
id_dict[col] = None if splitlines[pos] == "" else splitlines[pos]
pos +=1
up_dict[splitlines[0]] = id_dict
return up_dict
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