Commit eff5f374 authored by Mikael Boden's avatar Mikael Boden


parent f5d19d0a
import annotations
import phylo
# tree = phylo.readNewick("/Users/gabefoley/Dropbox/PhD/Smaller Projects/GRASP tree/non_unique.nwk")
# print (tree)
# unique_tree = get_unique_tree(tree)
# print (unique_tree)
working_dir = "/Users/gabefoley/Dropbox/PhD/Smaller Projects/Nexus_colouring/Read_annotations/"
tree = phylo.read_nexus(working_dir + "")
print (tree)
print (tree.nexus_annotations.annotations)
print (tree)
print (tree.nexus_annotations.annotations)
# tree.write_to_nexus(working_dir + "")
# nexus_annotations = annotations.NexusAnnotations2()
# for node in tree.getNodes():
# if node.isLeaf():
# nexus_annotations.add_annotation(node, "node", "annotation")
# print (nexus_annotations.annotations)
# import re
# pattern = r"<person>(.*?)</person>"
# re.findall(pattern, str, flags=0) #you may need to add flags= re.DOTALL if your str is multiline
\ No newline at end of file
from collections import defaultdict
from phylo import *
import matplotlib
import random
twenty_colours ={'dodgerblue':'#1E90FF', 'orangered':'#FF4500', 'greenyellow':'#ADFF2F', 'orchid':'#DA70D6'}
symbols = ["*", "^", "!", "#", "~", "+", ":", "<", ">", "@", "%", "=", "-"]
class NexusAnnotations():
Defines a set of annotations for a phylogenetic tree, to be written to NEXUS format
node_annotations = defaultdict(list)
leaf_annotations = defaultdict(list)
used_colours = set()
annotated_nodes = set()
def __init__(self, colour_dict=matplotlib_colours, symbol_list = symbols, tree=None, node_annotations=defaultdict(list), leaf_annotations=defaultdict(list), annotation_symbols={}):
self.tree = tree
self.node_annotations = node_annotations
self.leaf_annotations = leaf_annotations
self.annotation_symbols = annotation_symbols
self.colour_dict = colour_dict
self.symbol_list = symbol_list
self.used_colours = set()
self.annotated_nodes = set()
# if type(self.tree) != PhyloTree:
# raise RuntimeError("NexusAnnotations need the tree to be a PhyloTree object")
if tree:
def add_original_annotations(self):
Add an entry for the original labels of the tree, so we can map back if we need to
for node in self.tree.getNodes():
if node.isLeaf():
self.leaf_annotations[node] = {"Original" : node.label}
def add_annotations(self, annotation_dict):
for node in self.tree.getNodes():
if node.label in annotation_dict:
for key, val in annotation_dict[node.label].items():
self.leaf_annotations[node][key] = val
# print (self.leaf_annotations)
def add_annotation(self, node, key="", annotation=[], annotate_descendants=False):
self.node_annotations[node] = {key:annotation}
for annot in annotation:
if annot not in self.annotation_symbols:
symbol = self.generate_annotation_symbol(annot)
self.add_annotation_symbol(annot, symbol)
# Add in a symbol to represent this annotation if one doesn't already exist
if annotate_descendants:
for descendant in node.getDescendants():
self.add_annotation(descendant, key, annotation)
def add_colour_annotation(self, node, colour=None, random_colour=False, colour_descendants=True):
Add a single colour annotation to a set of nodes
:param labels: The nodes to annotate
:param colour: The colour to annotate with
if not colour:
colour = self.generate_colour()
if colour_descendants:
for descendant in node.getDescendants(transitive=True):
self.node_annotations[descendant] = {"!color": colour}
def add_colour_annotations(self, nodes, colour_list=None, colour_descendants=False):
Add multiple colour annotations to a list of nodes
:param nodes: A list of lists of nodes to annotate
:param colour_list: The colour to annotate each list of nodes with
if not colour_list:
colour_list = self.generate_colour_list(len(nodes))
for index, node_set in enumerate(nodes):
set_colour = self.colour_dict[colour_list[index]]
print(index, node_set)
for node in node_set:
self.add_colour_annotation(node, set_colour, colour_descendants=colour_descendants)
def generate_annotation_symbol(self, annotation):
i = 0
while i < len(self.symbol_list):
symbol = random.choice(self.symbol_list)
if symbol not in self.annotation_symbols.values():
return symbol
def add_annotation_symbol(self, symbol, annotation):
self.annotation_symbols[symbol] = annotation
def generate_colour(self):
Generate a colour that hasn't been used yet in this set of Nexus Annotations
:return: A unique colour
i = 0
while i < len(self.colour_dict.values()):
colour = random.choice(list(self.colour_dict.values()))
if colour not in self.used_colours:
return colour
def generate_colour_list(self, num):
return num
......@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ class BedEntry():
self.chrom = chrom
self.chromStart = chromStart
self.chromEnd = chromEnd
self.blockCount = None
self.usestrand = False
self.strand = None = ''
self.blocks = None # interval tree with blocks
def addOption(self,
name = None,
......@@ -32,46 +32,64 @@ class BedEntry():
zscore = None,
bg = None):
if name: = name
if score: self.score = score
if score != None: self.score = score
if strand:
self.strand = strand
self.usestrand = True # use reverse complement when sequence is requested from genome
if thickStart: self.thickStart = thickStart
if thickEnd: self.thickEnd = thickEnd
if itemRgb: self.itemRgb = [int(color) for color in itemRgb.split(',')]
if blockCount:
self.blockCount = max(0, blockCount)
if thickStart != None: self.thickStart = thickStart
if thickEnd != None: self.thickEnd = thickEnd
if itemRgb != None: self.itemRgb = [int(color) for color in itemRgb.split(',')]
if blockCount != None:
if blockCount > 0:
self.blockSizes = [int(sizeword) for sizeword in blockSizes.rstrip(',').split(',')]
self.blockStarts = [int(startword) for startword in blockStarts.rstrip(',').split(',')]
if len(self.blockSizes) != blockCount or len(self.blockStarts) != blockCount:
blockSizes = [int(sizeword) for sizeword in blockSizes.rstrip(',').split(',')]
blockStarts = [int(startword) for startword in blockStarts.rstrip(',').split(',')]
if len(blockSizes) != blockCount or len(blockStarts) != blockCount:
raise RuntimeError('Blockcount is incorrect in BED entry \"%s\"' % str(self))
if signalValue: self.signalValue = signalValue
if pValue: self.pValue = pValue
if qValue: self.qValue = qValue
if peak: self.peak = peak
if tags: self.tags = tags
if summit: self.summit = summit
if fold: self.fold = fold
if fdr: self.fdr = fdr
if bg: = bg
if zscore: self.zscore = zscore
for i in range(blockCount):
self.addBlock(blockStarts[i], blockSizes[i])
if signalValue != None: self.signalValue = signalValue
if pValue != None: self.pValue = pValue
if qValue != None: self.qValue = qValue
if peak != None: self.peak = peak
if tags != None: self.tags = tags
if summit != None: self.summit = summit
if fold != None: self.fold = fold
if fdr != None: self.fdr = fdr
if bg != None: = bg
if zscore != None: self.zscore = zscore
def __str__(self):
return str((self.chrom, self.chromStart, self.chromEnd))
def __len__(self):
if self.blocks:
return len(self.blocks)
return 0
def addBlock(self, relative_start, size):
if not self.blocks:
self.blocks = ival.IntervalTree()
self.blocks.put(ival.Interval(self.chromStart + relative_start, self.chromStart + relative_start + size))
def __getitem__(self, i):
if self.blockCount:
return (self.chrom, self.chromStart + self.blockStarts[i], self.chromStart + self.blockStarts[i] + self.blockSizes[i])
def getBlocks(self):
return self.blocks
def __str__(self):
if self.strand == '+' or self.strand == '-':
return self.chrom + ':' + str(self.chromStart) + '-' + str(self.chromEnd) + self.strand
return self.chrom + ':' + str(self.chromStart) + '-' + str(self.chromEnd)
def __iter__(self):
if self.blockCount:
for i in range(self.blockCount):
if self.blockSizes[i] > 0:
yield (self.chrom, self.chromStart + self.blockStarts[i], self.chromStart + self.blockStarts[i] + self.blockSizes[i])
if self.blocks:
for b in self.blocks:
yield (self.chrom, b.ival.min, b.ival.max)
def __len__(self):
return self.blockCount
def isBlockOverlap(self, entry):
if not self.blocks:
return None
if isinstance(entry, BedEntry):
if (entry.chrom == self.chrom):
return self.blocks.isect(entry.getInterval()) != None
elif isinstance(entry, ival.Interval):
return self.blocks.isect(entry) != None
def loc(self, genome = None, fixedwidth = None, usesummit = False, useshift = None):
""" Retrieve the genomic location for BED entry, or sequence if genome is provided
......@@ -357,7 +375,7 @@ def readBedFile(filename, format = 'Limited'):
chromStart = int(words[1])
chromEnd = int(words[2])
entry = BedEntry(chrom, chromStart, chromEnd)
if format.lower().startswith('opt'):
if format.lower().startswith('opt') or format.lower().startswith('bed12'):
if len(words) >= 12:
entry.addOption(name = words[3], score = float(words[4]), strand = words[5], thickStart = int(words[6]), thickEnd = int(words[7]), itemRgb = words[8], blockCount = int(words[9]), blockSizes = words[10], blockStarts = words[11])
elif len(words) >= 9:
......@@ -417,6 +435,28 @@ def writeBedFile(entries, filename, format = 'BED6', header = None):
if header:
f.write(header + '\n')
for row in entries:
if row.blocks: # BED12
f.write("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t" % (row.chrom, row.chromStart, row.chromEnd,, row.score, row.strand, row.thickStart, row.thickEnd))
if row.itemRgb:
if len(row.itemRgb) == 3:
f.write("%d,%d,%d\t" % (row.itemRgb[0],row.itemRgb[1],row.itemRgb[2]))
f.write("%d\t" % (len(row)))
blockStarts = []
blockSizes = []
for b in row.blocks:
blockStarts.append(b.ival.min - row.chromStart)
for b in blockSizes:
f.write("%d," % (b))
for b in blockStarts:
f.write("%d," % (b))
if format == 'Peaks':
f.write("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%s\t%f" % (row.chrom, row.chromStart, row.chromEnd,, row.score, row.strand, row.signalValue))
elif format == 'Limited':
......@@ -429,18 +469,39 @@ def writeBedFile(entries, filename, format = 'BED6', header = None):
if __name__ == '__main__':
bf = BedFile('/Users/mikael/binfpy/BIOL3014/Week7/mm10_genes.bed', 'optional')
# bf = BedFile('/Users/mikael/binfpy/BIOL3014/Week7/mm10_genes.bed', 'optional')
bf = BedFile('/Volumes/Share/ARCDP19/Analysis/Young/Young_flat.bed', 'optional')
g = bf.generate('chr1')
cnt = 0
collect = []
for entry in bf:
cnt += 1
print(str(cnt) + '\t' + str(entry))
if cnt == 100:
if cnt == 7:
for b in entry:
print('\t', b)
if cnt == 10:
writeBedFile(collect, '/Users/mikael/Desktop/test.bed')
bf2 = BedFile('/Users/mikael/Desktop/test.bed', 'opt')
q = ival.Interval(3805000, 3806000)
t2 = ival.IntervalTree()
t2.put(q, "blah")
for entry in bf2:
if entry.isBlockOverlap(q):
print('Found:', entry)
tree = entry.getBlocks()
for t in t2:
entry1 = BedEntry('chrX', 3858266, 3858530)
print(entry1 in bf)
entry2 = BedEntry('chrX', 10047550, 10067694)
def readOBOFile(obofile):
Read/load OBO file that contains ontology defs for
Uber anatomy ontology (Uberon), Cell Ontology (CL) and Experimental Factor Ontology (EFO)
see also
Example of one "term" and one "typedef" entry (note CL refers to cell ontology and UBERON to the anatomy ontology:
id: CL:0000513
name: cardiac muscle myoblast
namespace: cell
alt_id: CL:0000714
def: "A precursor cell destined to differentiate into cardiac muscle cell." [GOC:tfm, MESH:A11.635.470]
synonym: "cardiac muscle progenitor cell" EXACT []
synonym: "cardiomyocyte progenitor cell" EXACT []
xref: FMA:84797
is_a: CL:0002494 ! cardiocyte
is_a: CL:0010021 ! cardiac myoblast
intersection_of: CL:0000056 ! myoblast
intersection_of: develops_into CL:0000746 ! cardiac muscle cell
intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001133 ! cardiac muscle tissue
relationship: develops_into CL:0000746 ! cardiac muscle cell
relationship: part_of UBERON:0001133 ! cardiac muscle tissue
id: part_of
name: part of
def: "a core relation that holds between a part and its whole" []
xref: BFO:0000050
is_transitive: true
is_a: overlaps ! overlaps
inverse_of: has_part ! has part
src = open(obofile, 'r')
terms = {}
in_term_def = False
in_type_def = False
for line in src:
if in_term_def:
word = line.split()
if line.startswith('id: '):
term_id = word[1].strip()
term_is = set()
elif line.startswith('name: '):
term_name = line[6:].strip()
elif line.startswith('def: '):
# Note this is a multi-line field, delimited by "'s
elif line.startswith('is_a: '):
term_is.add((word[1].strip(), 'is_a'))
elif line.startswith('relationship: '):
term_is.add((word[2], word[1]))
elif line.startswith('intersection_of: '):
elif line.startswith('is_obsolete: '):
in_term_def = False # ignore this entry
if line.startswith('[Term]'):
if in_term_def: # already defining one, stash it before moving on to the next...
terms[term_id] = (term_name, term_is)
elif in_type_def:
in_type_def = False
in_term_def = True
if line.startswith('[Typedef]'):
if in_term_def: # already defining one, stash it before moving on to the next...
terms[term_id] = (term_name, term_is)
in_term_def= False
in_type_def = True
if in_term_def: # defining one, stash it
terms[term_id] = (term_name, term_is)
return terms
def getChildren(terms, parent):
all = []
for t in terms:
(name, isa) = terms[t]
for (id, rel) in isa:
if id == parent:
all.append((t, rel))
return all
def getParents(terms, child):
all = []
(name, isa) = terms[child]
for (id, rel) in isa:
all.append((id, rel))
return all
def getID(terms, query_name):
for t in terms:
(name, isa) = terms[t]
if name == query_name:
return t
def getName(terms, id):
return terms[id][0]
def listParents(terms, query_name):
child_ID = getID(terms, query_name)
all = []
for (parent, rel) in getParents(terms, child_ID):
all.append(getName(terms, parent))
return all
if __name__ == '__main__':
terms = readOBOFile('/Users/mikael/simhome/share/cl.obo')
\ No newline at end of file
for name, hex in colours.items():
print (name, hex)
\ No newline at end of file
name = "Gabe"
name = name[0: 2]
print (name)
\ No newline at end of file
Created on Jul 12, 2012, amended April 2015
Created on Jul 12, 2012, amended April 2015 and again May 2018
Module for managing Gene Ontology data, in particular gene:terms
annotations and term definitions
......@@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ Subsequently you can construct instances of BinGO and query terms and genes, rou
from struct import pack, unpack, calcsize, error
import operator
import time
import os
import sys
import stats
import gzip
# Character codes used by binary format to identify ontology
onto_codes = {
......@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ class GO():
termdefs = {} # definitions: termdefs[term] = (onto, set((term, rel)), name)
children = {} # redundant, parent-to-child structure: children[term] = set((term, rel))
def __init__(self, annotFile, obofile, annotfile_columns = (1,2,3,4,6,8)):
def __init__(self, annotFile, obofile, annotfile_columns = (1,2,3,4,6,8), include_genes = None):
""" Start GO session with specified data loaded:
annotfile: name of annotation file, e.g.'gene_association.tair'
OBO file: name of gene ontology definition file, e.g. 'gene_ontology_ext.obo'
......@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ class GO():
(The default seems to work for most annotation files, but sometime if you wish to cross reference
say gene names, you need to point to an alternate column, e.g. 9 for TAIR's A. thaliana annotations:
go = GO('gene_association.tair', 'gene_ontology_ext.obo', (9,2,3,4,6,8))
Optionally, specify what genes should be included when reading the annotations; None (default) means include everything.
print(("Started at", time.asctime()))
# Get GO definitions
......@@ -110,7 +112,10 @@ class GO():
print(("Read %d GO definitions" % len(terms)))
# open annotation file to analyse and index data
src = open(annotFile, 'r')
if annotFile.endswith(".gz"):
src =, 'rt')
src = open(annotFile, 'rt')
gene_cnt = 0
cnt = 0
for line in src:
......@@ -118,7 +123,7 @@ class GO():
if line.startswith('!'):
(gene, symb, qual, term, evid, onto, taxa) = _extractAnnotFields(line, annotfile_columns)
#print(gene, symb, qual, term, evid, onto, taxa)
if include_genes == None or gene in include_genes:
(taxa_q, terms_map) = self.annots[gene]
terms_map[term] = (evid, qual != 'NOT')
......@@ -896,6 +901,7 @@ def readOBOFile(obofile):
in_term_def = True
if line.startswith('[Typedef]'):
if in_term_def: # already defining one, stash it before moving on to the next...
terms[term_id] = (term_name, term_onto, term_is)
in_term_def= False
in_type_def = True
if in_term_def: # defining one, stash it
......@@ -1037,3 +1043,52 @@ def writeBitFile(annotFile, obofile, destFile, taxas = None):
# done, close
print(("Completed at", time.asctime()))
def reduceAnnotFile(annotfile, newannotfile, include_genes, annotfile_column_gene = 1):
""" Reduce size of annotation file by specifying the genes of interest:
annotfile: name of annotation file, e.g. 'goa_uniprot_all.gaf'
newannotfile: name of new, reduced-size annotation file, e.g. 'goa_uniprot_some.gaf'
include_genes: set/list of gene names to include
Optionally, specify what column in the annotation file that contains name of gene product:
print(("Started at", time.asctime()))
# open annotation file to analyse and index data
if annotfile.endswith(".gz"):
src =, 'rt')
dst =, 'wt')
src = open(annotfile, 'rt')
dst = open(newannotfile, 'wt')
cnt0 = 0
cnt1 = 0
for line in src:
if line.startswith('!'):
cnt0 += 1
fields = line.strip().split('\t')
gene = fields[annotfile_column_gene]
if gene in include_genes:
cnt1 += 1
print(("Read %d annotations; wrote %d annotations" % (cnt0, cnt1)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('Usage: godata <COMMAND> where <COMMAND> is one of the following', \
"\n\tinclude <gaf-file-src> <gaf-file-dest> <gene-txt-file> where",\
"\n\t\t<gaf-file-src> is the original annotation file",\
"\n\t\t<gaf-file-dest> is the new, reduced-size annotation file",\
"\n\t\t<gene-txt-file> lists gene names to include in new gaf-file-dest")
if sys.argv[1].upper() == 'INCLUDE' and len(sys.argv) > 4:
f = open(sys.argv[4])
include_genes = set()
for line in f:
reduceAnnotFile(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], include_genes)
print('Unknown command \"' + sys.argv[1] + '\" or arguments:'),
for arg in sys.argv[2:]:
import shlex
import ival
class GtfEntry():
GFF fields:
seqname - The name of the sequence. Must be a chromosome or scaffold.
source - The program that generated this feature.
feature - The name of this type of feature. Some examples of standard feature types are "CDS" "start_codon" "stop_codon" and "exon"li>
start - The starting position of the feature in the sequence. The first base is numbered 1.
end - The ending position of the feature (inclusive).
score - A score between 0 and 1000. If the track line useScore attribute is set to 1 for this annotation data set, the score value will determine the level of gray in which this feature is displayed (higher numbers = darker gray). If there is no score value, enter ":.":.
strand - Valid entries include "+", "-", or "." (for don't know/don't care).
frame - If the feature is a coding exon, frame should be a number between 0-2 that represents the reading frame of the first base. If the feature is not a coding exon, the value should be ".".
group - All lines with the same group are linked together into a single item.
def __init__(self, chrom, start, end, feature, score = ".", source = "unknown", strand = ".", frame = ".", group = None):
self.seqname = chrom
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.feature = feature
self.score = score
self.strand = strand
self.source = source
self.frame = frame = group
self.attr = {}
fields =';')
for f in fields:
pair = shlex.split(f.strip())
if len(pair) == 2:
self.attr[pair[0]] = pair[1]
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.attr[item]
def __contains__(self, item):
return item in self.attr
def __str__(self):
return str((self.seqname, self.start, self.end))
def __len__(self):
return self.end - self.start
def getInterval(self):
return ival.Interval(self.start, self.end)
def dist(entry1, entry2, signed = False, centre2centre = False):
""" Calculate and return the BedEntry with the closest distance (from one end of the interval of this to the end of the interval of that).
If centre2centre is True, use the centre-to-centre distance instead.
If signed is True, the distance is negative if this interval is after the that.
if isinstance(entry1, GtfEntry) and isinstance(entry2, GtfEntry):
if (entry1.seqname == entry2.seqname):
return ival.dist(entry1.getInterval(), entry2.getInterval(), signed, centre2centre)
return None
class GtfFile:
""" Read GTF/GFF file.
def __init__(self, entries):
Create a GtfFile instance.
:param entries: an iterable of entries or a filename
if isinstance(entries, str): # filename
self.chroms = readGtfFile(entries)
self.chroms = dict()
for entry in entries:
# check if the chromosome has been seen before
tree = self.chroms.get(entry.chrom)
if not tree:
tree = ival.IntervalTree()
self.chroms[entry.chrom] = tree
# put the entry in the interval tree for the appropriate chromosome
iv = ival.Interval(entry.start, entry.end)
tree.put(iv, entry)
def __len__(self):
n = 0
for c in self.chroms:
n += len(self.chroms[c])
return n
def generate(self, chrom):
mytree = self.chroms.get(chrom)
if mytree != None:
for e in mytree:
for entry in e.values:
yield entry
def __iter__(self):
self.chromqueue = ival.Stack()
for c in sorted(self.chroms.keys())[::-1]:
self.current = self.chromqueue.pop()
return self
def __next__(self):
ret = next(self.current)
except StopIteration:
if not self.chromqueue.isEmpty():
self.current = self.chromqueue.pop()
ret = next(self.current)
raise StopIteration
return ret
def __contains__(self, item):
if isinstance(item, GtfEntry):
tree = self.chroms.get(item.chrom)
if tree == None: return False
else: return ival.Interval(item.start, item.end) in tree
return False
def getOverlap(self, item):
if isinstance(item, GtfEntry):
tree = self.chroms.get(item.chrom)
if tree == None: return None
iv = ival.Interval(item.start, item.end)
res = tree.isectall(iv)
ret = []
for r in res:
return ret
else: return None
def getClosest(self, item):
if isinstance(item, GtfEntry):
tree = self.chroms.get(item.chrom)
if tree == None: return None
iv = ival.Interval(item.start, item.end)
node = tree.closest(iv)
if node != None: return node.values
else: return None
else: return None
def getOneOfClosest(self, item):
all = self.getClosest(item)
if all == None: return None
else: return next(iter(all))
def getOneOfOverlap(self, item):
all = self.getOverlap(item)
if all == None: return None
elif len(all) == 0: return None
else: return next(iter(all))
def readGtfFile(filename):
""" Read a GTF/GFF file.
f = open(filename)
row = 0
acceptHeaderRows = 1
headerRow = None
chroms = dict()
for line in f:
row += 1
words = line.strip().split('\t')
if len(words) == 0:
continue # ignore empty lines
if words[0].strip().startswith('#'):
continue # comment
if words[0].strip().startswith('browser'):
continue # ignore
if words[0].strip().startswith('track'):
continue # ignore
seqname = words[0]
source = words[1]
feature = words[2]
start = int(words[3])
end = int(words[4])
score = None
if words[5].isnumeric():
score = int(words[5])
strand = '.'
if words[6] == '+' or words[6] == '-':
strand = words[6]
frame = None
if words[7].isdigit():
frame = int(words[7])
group = None
if len(words) > 8:
group = words[8]
entry = GtfEntry(seqname, start, end, feature, score, source, strand, frame, group)
# check if the chromosome has been seen before
tree = chroms.get(seqname)
if not tree:
tree = ival.IntervalTree()
chroms[seqname] = tree
# put the entry in the interval tree for the appropriate chromosome
iv = ival.Interval(entry.start, entry.end)
tree.put(iv, entry)
except RuntimeError as e:
if not acceptHeaderRows:
raise RuntimeError('Error in GTF/GFF file at row %d (%s)' % (row, e.strerror))
headerRow = words
acceptHeaderRows -= 1 # count down the number of header rows that can occur
return chroms
def writeGtfFile(entries, filename, header = None):
""" Save the GTF entries to a file.
f = open(filename, 'w')
if header:
f.write(header + '\n')
for row in entries:
f.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (row.chrom, row.source, row.feature, row.start, row.end, row.score, row.strand, row.frame,
if __name__ == '__main__':
bf = GtfFile('/Users/mikael/simhome/NFIX/WT1677.gtf')
g = bf.generate('chr12')
cnt = 0
for entry in bf:
cnt += 1
print(str(cnt) + '\t' + str(entry))
if cnt == 100:
......@@ -1074,25 +1074,29 @@ class PhyloNode:
# allocate a position to put the right child symbol from which each current node symbol score was determined
self.backright = [[None for _ in aln.alphabet] for _ in range(aln.alignlen)]
for col in range(aln.alignlen):
# left child will contribute first
for a_parent in range(len(aln.alphabet)):
best_score_left = +9999999
best_score_right = +9999999
best_symb_left = 0
best_symb_right = 0
for a_left in range(len(aln.alphabet)):
score = (scoresleft[col][a_left] + (
1 if a_left != a_parent else 0)) # if we want to weight scores, this would need to change
for a in range(len(aln.alphabet)):
score = (scoresleft[col][a] + (
1 if a != a_parent else 0)) # if we want to weight scores, this would need to change
if score < best_score_left:
best_symb_left = a_left
best_symb_left = a
best_score_left = score
for a_right in range(len(aln.alphabet)):
score = (scoresright[col][a_right] + (
1 if a_right != a_parent else 0)) # if we want to weight scores, this would need to change
self.seqscores[col][a_parent] = best_score_left
self.backleft[col][a_parent] = best_symb_left
# right child will contribute next
for a_parent in range(len(aln.alphabet)):
best_score_right = +9999999
best_symb_right = 0
for a in range(len(aln.alphabet)):
score = (scoresright[col][a] + (
1 if a != a_parent else 0)) # if we want to weight scores, this would need to change
if score < best_score_right:
best_symb_right = a_right
best_symb_right = a
best_score_right = score
self.seqscores[col][a_parent] = best_score_left + best_score_right
self.backleft[col][a_parent] = best_symb_left
self.seqscores[col][a_parent] += best_score_right
self.backright[col][a_parent] = best_symb_right
self.seqscores = [[0 if a == sym else 999999 for a in aln.alphabet] for sym in
......@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ class IntervalTree:
stack = None
def __iter__(self):
Create an iterator for the tree; this will iterate through nodes of the tree. Note that a node has one interval and (potentially) multiple values.
:return: iterator of IntervalNodes stored in this tree
self.current = self.root
self.stack = Stack()
return self
......@@ -26,7 +30,10 @@ class IntervalTree:
return ret
def __len__(self):
if self.root != None:
return self.root.N
return 0
def __contains__(self, ival):
return self.get(ival) != None
......@@ -88,6 +95,10 @@ class IntervalTree:
self.root = self._randomizedInsert(self.root, ival, value)
def putAll(self, tree):
for i in tree:
self.put(i.getInterval(), tree.get(i.getInterval()))
def _randomizedInsert(self, node, ival, value):
if node == None: return IntervalNode(ival, value)
if random.uniform(0,1) * node.N < 1.0: return self._rootInsert(node, ival, value)
......@@ -176,7 +187,33 @@ class IntervalNode:
if value != None:
def getInterval(self):
Retrieve the interval that defines this node
:return: the interval
return self.ival
def getMin(self):
Retrieve the min value for the interval of this node
:return: the min value of the interval
return self.ival.min
def getMax(self):
Retrieve the max value for the interval of this node
:return: the max value of the interval
return self.ival.max
def add(self, value):
Add a new value to this node, to the set of values associated with the interval
:param value:
if value:
......@@ -294,6 +331,9 @@ class Interval:
def __sizeof__(self):
return self.max - self.min
def __len__(self):
return self.max - self.min
def dist(self, that, signed = False, centre2centre = False):
""" Calculate and return the closest distance (from one end of the interval of this to the end of the interval of that).
If centre2centre is True, use the centre-to-centre distance instead.
......@@ -299,6 +299,17 @@ def eucdist(v1, v2):
diff += (v1[i] - v2[i])**2
return math.sqrt(diff)
def cosdist(v1, v2):
if len(v1) != len(v2):
return None
sum0 = 0
sum1 = 0
sum2 = 0
for i in range(len(v1)):
sum0 += v1[i]*v2[i]
sum1 += v1[i]*v1[i]
sum2 += v2[i]*v2[i]
return 1 - (sum0 / (math.sqrt(sum1*sum2)))
......@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ Module with methods and classes for phylogeny.
@author: mikael
import sequence
from collections import defaultdict
import annotations
class PhyloTree:
""" Rooted, binary (bifurcating) tree for representing phylogenetic relationships.
......@@ -22,11 +25,20 @@ class PhyloTree:
self.aln = aln
def putAnnotations(self, nexus_annotations):
self.nexus_annotations = nexus_annotations
# Update the annotations dictionary so that it contains PhyloNode objects as keys, not text labels
for node in self.getNodes():
if node.label in self.nexus_annotations.leaf_annotations:
self.nexus_annotations.leaf_annotations[node] = self.nexus_annotations.leaf_annotations[node.label]
def __str__(self):
""" Produce a printable representation of the tree, specifically the root of the tree. """
return str(self.root)
def strSequences(self, start = None, end = None):
def strSequences(self, start=None, end=None):
""" Produce a sequence representation of the tree, specifically the root of the tree.
Specify the start and end positions in the alignment for the sequence to be printed
(if None the min and max positions will be used). """
......@@ -40,7 +52,19 @@ class PhyloTree:
Returns None if not found."""
return self.root._findLabel(label)
def getDescendantsOf(self, node, transitive = False):
def getNodes(self, strategy = 'DEPTH-FIRST'):
""" Returns all nodes as a list """
nodes = []
queue = [self.root]
while len(queue) > 0:
node = queue.pop()
# if strategy.upper().startswith('DEPTH'):
if node.left: queue.append(node.left)
if node.right: queue.append(node.right)
return nodes
def getDescendantsOf(self, node, transitive=False):
""" Retrieve and return the (list of) descendants (children) of a specified node.
Node can be the label or the instance.
transitive indicates if only the direct descendants (False) or if all descendants
......@@ -53,7 +77,7 @@ class PhyloTree:
return node.getDescendants(transitive)
return None
def getAncestorsOf(self, node, transitive = False):
def getAncestorsOf(self, node, transitive=False):
""" Retrieve and return the ancestor (transitive=False) or
ancestors (transitive=True) of a specified node.
Node can be the label or the instance.
......@@ -73,7 +97,7 @@ class PhyloTree:
if myroot.left != None: # myroot has a "left" child
# check if the "left" child of "myroot" is the ancestor of "node"
if myroot.left.isAncestorOf(node, transitive = True): # if yes,
if myroot.left.isAncestorOf(node, transitive=True): # if yes,
myroot = myroot.left # move to the "left" child
else: # if not,
myroot = myroot.right # move to the "right" child
......@@ -82,7 +106,7 @@ class PhyloTree:
if found and transitive:
return branching
elif found and len(branching) > 0:
return branching[len(branching)-1]
return branching[len(branching) - 1]
return None
def parsimony(self):
......@@ -96,6 +120,67 @@ class PhyloTree:
def canonise(self):
def swap_annotations(self, annotation_key):
for node in self.getNodes():
if node.isLeaf():
node.label = self.nexus_annotations.leaf_annotations[node][annotation_key]
def write_to_nexus(self, out_path, write_annotations=True, nexus_annotations=None, exclude_annotations=[], use_symbols=False):
Writes out the tree to NEXUS format, with any annotations stored in nexus_annotations added to the file
:param out_path: The path to write the NEXUS file to
:param nexus_annotations: The NexusAnnotations containing the annotations
if write_annotations and not nexus_annotations:
if not self.nexus_annotations:
raise RuntimeError("This tree file has no associated annotation file. Either associate or supply one as a parameter.")
nexus_annotations = self.nexus_annotations
if nexus_annotations:
for node in self.getNodes():
if node in self.nexus_annotations.node_annotations:
node.annotate_node(self.nexus_annotations.node_annotations, self.nexus_annotations.annotation_symbols, exclude_annotations, use_symbols)
tree_annotation = str(self) + ";"
for node in self.getNodes():
if node in self.nexus_annotations.leaf_annotations:
node.annotate_node(self.nexus_annotations.leaf_annotations, exclude_annotations)
leaves = []
for node in self.getNodes():
if node.isLeaf():
leaf_annotation = ""
for leaf in leaves:
leaf_annotation += "\n\t%s" % (leaf)
with open(out_path, "w+") as file:
"#NEXUS\nbegin taxa;\n\tdimensions ntax=%d;\n\ttaxlabels%s\n;\nend;\n\nbegin trees;\n\ttree tree_1 = "
"[&R] %s\nend;" % (len(leaves), leaf_annotation, tree_annotation))
class PhyloNode:
""" A class for a node in a rooted, binary (bifurcating) tree.
Contains pointers to descendants/daughters (left and right),
......@@ -104,7 +189,7 @@ class PhyloNode:
A number of methods are named with a _ prefix. These can be, but
are not intended to be used from outside the class. """
def __init__(self, label = ''):
def __init__(self, label=''):
""" Initialise an initially unlinked node.
Populate fields left and right to link it with other nodes.
Set label to name it.
......@@ -122,6 +207,9 @@ class PhyloNode:
self.backleft = None # Pointers back to left child: what symbol rendered current/parent symbols
self.backright = None # Pointers back to right child: what symbol rendered current/parent symbols
def isLeaf(self):
return self.left == self.right == None
def __str__(self):
""" Returns string with node (incl descendants) in a Newick style. """
left = right = label = dist = ''
......@@ -139,23 +227,23 @@ class PhyloNode:
return '(' + left + ',' + right + ')' + label + dist
else: # there is no label
if not self.left and self.right:
return ','+right
return ',' + right
elif self.left and not self.right:
return left+','
return left + ','
elif self.left and self.right:
return '(' + left + ',' + right + ')' + dist
def __le__(self, other):
""" Returns indication of less than other node. """
return other and self.__hash__() <= other.__hash__()
def __eq__(self, other):
""" Returns indication of equivalence to other node. """
return other and self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()
def __hash__(self):
""" Returns hash of object. """
return hash((self.label, self.dist, self.sequence))
# def __le__(self, other):
# """ Returns indication of less than other node. """
# return other and self.__hash__() <= other.__hash__()
# def __eq__(self, other):
# """ Returns indication of equivalence to other node. """
# return other and self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()
# def __hash__(self):
# """ Returns hash of object. """
# return hash((self.label, self.dist, self.sequence))
def _printSequences(self, start, end):
""" Returns string with node (incl descendants) in a Newick style. """
......@@ -174,9 +262,9 @@ class PhyloNode:
return '(' + left + ',' + right + ')' + label + dist
else: # there is no label
if not self.left and self.right:
return ','+right
return ',' + right
elif self.left and not self.right:
return left+','
return left + ','
elif self.left and self.right:
return '(' + left + ',' + right + ')' + dist
......@@ -242,7 +330,6 @@ class PhyloNode:
scoresright = self.right._forwardParsimony(aln)
# for each position in the alignment,
# introduce (initially zero) score for each symbol in alphabet
#Project "Substitution weights" should focus on this line of code
self.seqscores = [[0 for _ in aln.alphabet] for col in range(aln.alignlen)]
# for each position in the alignment,
# allocate a position to put the left child symbol from which each current node symbol score was determined
......@@ -250,29 +337,36 @@ class PhyloNode:
# allocate a position to put the right child symbol from which each current node symbol score was determined
self.backright = [[None for _ in aln.alphabet] for _ in range(aln.alignlen)]
for col in range(aln.alignlen):
# left child will contribute first
for a_parent in range(len(aln.alphabet)):
best_score_left = +9999999
best_score_right = +9999999
best_symb_left = 0
best_symb_right = 0
for a_left in range(len(aln.alphabet)):
score = (scoresleft[col][a_left] + (1 if a_left != a_parent else 0)) # if we want to weight scores, this would need to change
for a in range(len(aln.alphabet)):
score = (scoresleft[col][a] + (
1 if a != a_parent else 0)) # if we want to weight scores, this would need to change
if score < best_score_left:
best_symb_left = a_left
best_symb_left = a
best_score_left = score
for a_right in range(len(aln.alphabet)):
score = (scoresright[col][a_right] + (1 if a_right != a_parent else 0)) # if we want to weight scores, this would need to change
self.seqscores[col][a_parent] = best_score_left
self.backleft[col][a_parent] = best_symb_left
# right child will contribute next
for a_parent in range(len(aln.alphabet)):
best_score_right = +9999999
best_symb_right = 0
for a in range(len(aln.alphabet)):
score = (scoresright[col][a] + (
1 if a != a_parent else 0)) # if we want to weight scores, this would need to change
if score < best_score_right:
best_symb_right = a_right
best_symb_right = a
best_score_right = score
self.seqscores[col][a_parent] = best_score_left + best_score_right
self.backleft[col][a_parent] = best_symb_left
self.seqscores[col][a_parent] += best_score_right
self.backright[col][a_parent] = best_symb_right
self.seqscores = [[0 if a==sym else 999999 for a in aln.alphabet] for sym in self.sequence] # if we want to weight scores, this would need to change
self.seqscores = [[0 if a == sym else 999999 for a in aln.alphabet] for sym in
self.sequence] # if we want to weight scores, this would need to change
return self.seqscores
def _backwardParsimony(self, aln, seq = None):
def _backwardParsimony(self, aln, seq=None):
""" Internal function that operates recursively to inspect scores to determine
most parsimonious sequence, from root to leaves. """
if self.sequence == None: # no sequence has been assigned
......@@ -296,7 +390,7 @@ class PhyloNode:
self.sequence = sequence.Sequence(currbuf, aln.alphabet, self.label, gappy = True)
self.sequence = sequence.Sequence(currbuf, aln.alphabet, self.label, gappy=True)
else: # Non-root, but not leaf
self.sequence = seq
col = 0
......@@ -307,8 +401,8 @@ class PhyloNode:
col += 1
self.left._backwardParsimony(aln, sequence.Sequence(leftbuf, aln.alphabet, self.label, gappy = True))
self.right._backwardParsimony(aln, sequence.Sequence(rightbuf, aln.alphabet, self.label, gappy = True))
self.left._backwardParsimony(aln, sequence.Sequence(leftbuf, aln.alphabet, self.label, gappy=True))
self.right._backwardParsimony(aln, sequence.Sequence(rightbuf, aln.alphabet, self.label, gappy=True))
return self.sequence
def getSequence(self):
......@@ -320,7 +414,7 @@ class PhyloNode:
elif self.seqscores != None: # inferred by parsimony but not yet assigned
return None # determine most parsimonous sequence, not yet implemented
def isAncestorOf(self, node, transitive = True):
def isAncestorOf(self, node, transitive=True):
""" Decide if this node is the ancestor of specified node.
If transitive is True (default), all descendants are included.
If transitive is False, only direct descendants are included. """
......@@ -335,7 +429,7 @@ class PhyloNode:
return False
def getDescendants(self, transitive = False):
def getDescendants(self, transitive=False):
""" Retrieve and return (list of) nodes descendant of this.
If transitive is False (default), only direct descendants are included.
If transitive is True, all descendants are (recursively) included. """
......@@ -355,10 +449,37 @@ class PhyloNode:
return children
def annotate_node(self, annotations, annotation_symbols= None, exclude_annotations = [], use_symbols=False ):
annotation_string = "[&"
for key, val_list in annotations[self].items():
if type(val_list) != list:
val_list = [val_list]
if key not in exclude_annotations:
# If we are using annotation symbols and the annotation has an associated symbol
for val in val_list:
if use_symbols and val in annotation_symbols:
sorted_symbols = sorted([annotation_symbols[val] for val in val_list])
annotation_string += '%s="%s",' % (key, ' '.join(['%s' % (val,) for val in sorted_symbols]))
annotation_string += '%s="%s",' % (key, ' '.join(['%s' % (val,) for val in val_list]))
# Remove the final comma and add in a closing bracket
annotation_string = annotation_string[0: len(annotation_string) - 1] + "]"
if len(annotation_string) > 2:
if ":" in self.label:
self.label = self.label.split(":")[0] + annotation_string + self.label.split(":")[1]
self.label = self.label + annotation_string
""" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Methods for generating a single tree by clustering, here UPGMA Zvelebil and Baum p. 278
def runUPGMA(aln, measure, absoluteDistances=False):
""" Generate an ultra-metric, bifurcating, rooted tree from an alignment based on pairwise distances.
Use specified distance metric (see sequence.calcDistances).
......@@ -413,11 +534,13 @@ def runUPGMA(aln, measure, absoluteDistances=False):
z.dist = 0.0 # root z is at distance 0 from merged x and y
return PhyloTree(z) # make it to tree, return
""" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Methods for processing files of trees on the Newick format
def _findComma(string, level = 0):
def _findComma(string, level=0):
""" Find first comma at specified level of embedding """
mylevel = 0
for i in range(len(string)):
......@@ -429,6 +552,7 @@ def _findComma(string, level = 0):
return i
return -1
def parseNewickNode(string):
""" Utility function that recursively parses embedded string using Newick format. """
first = string.find('(')
......@@ -451,7 +575,7 @@ def parseNewickNode(string):
left = embed[0:comma].strip()
right = embed[comma + 1:].strip()
y = tail.split(':')
node = PhyloNode(y[0]) #node is an instance of the PhyloNode() class
node = PhyloNode(y[0]) # node is an instance of the PhyloNode() class
if len(y) >= 2:
node.dist = float(y[1])
node.left = parseNewickNode(left)
......@@ -460,6 +584,7 @@ def parseNewickNode(string):
raise RuntimeError('Invalid format: unbalanced parentheses in sub-string "' + string + '"')
def parseNewick(string):
""" Main method for parsing a Newick string into a (phylogenetic) tree.
Handles labels (on both leaves and internal nodes), and includes distances (if provided).
......@@ -468,6 +593,7 @@ def parseNewick(string):
string = string[:string.find(';')]
return PhyloTree(parseNewickNode(string))
def readNewick(filename):
""" Read file on Newick format.
Returns an instance of a PhyloTree."""
......@@ -475,6 +601,90 @@ def readNewick(filename):
string = ''.join(f)
return parseNewick(string)
def writeNewickFile(filename, my_tree):
with open(filename, 'w') as fh:
print(my_tree, end="", file=fh)
def read_nexus(filename):
Read a file in Nexus format
:param filename:
f = open(filename)
return parse_nexus(f)
def parse_nexus(string):
string =
lines = string.split("\n")
annotation_dict = defaultdict(dict)
for num, line in enumerate(lines):
# print (line)
if line.strip().startswith("dimensions ntax="):
taxon_number = line.strip().split("dimensions ntax=")[1].split(";")[0]
if line.strip().startswith("taxlabels"):
taxon_num = num + 1
while not lines[taxon_num].strip().startswith(";"):
taxon_name = lines[taxon_num].split("[")[0].strip()
for annot_line in lines[taxon_num].split("[&")[1].split(","):
#TODO: Make these regex calls
# print ("Annotation Key is ", annot_line.split("=")[0])
annot_key = annot_line.split("=")[0]
# print (annot_line.split("=")[1])
if '"' in annot_line:
annot_val = annot_line.split("=")[1].split("\"")[1]
annot_val = annot_line.split("=")[1].split("]")[0]
annotation_dict[taxon_name][annot_key.strip()] = annot_val
taxon_num +=1
if line.strip().startswith("begin trees"):
tree_num = num + 1
tree = (lines[tree_num].split("[&R]")[1])
phylo_tree = parseNewick(tree)
nexus_annotations = annotations.NexusAnnotations(tree=phylo_tree)
# print (nexus_annotations.annotations)
## Extract all of the annotations from the tree and add them to the NexusAnnotations object
print ("Number of taxons is %s " % (taxon_number))
return phylo_tree
""" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Method for generating a PhyloTree with unique tip names
def get_unique_tree(tree):
unique_tree = tree
unique_labels = {}
for node in unique_tree.getNodes():
if node.isLeaf() and node.label in unique_labels:
unique_labels[node.label] = unique_labels[node.label] + 1
node.label = node.label + str(unique_labels[node.label])
elif node.isLeaf():
unique_labels[node.label] = 1
return unique_tree
def unpack_list(list):
return (" ".join(["%s"] * len(list)) + "!") % (x for x in list)
......@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ def parseDefline(string):
if len(string) == 0: return ('', '', '', '')
s = string.split()[0]
if re.match("^sp\|[A-Z][A-Z0-9]{5}\|\S+", s): arg = s.split('|'); return (arg[1], arg[2], arg[0], '')
elif re.match("^tr\|[A-Z][A-Z0-9]{5}\|\S+", s): arg = s.split('|'); return (arg[1], arg[2], arg[0], '')
elif re.match("^tr\|[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*\|\S+", s): arg = s.split('|'); return (arg[1], arg[2], arg[0], '')
elif re.match("^gi\|[0-9]*\|\S+\|\S+", s): arg = s.split('|'); return (arg[1], arg[3], arg[0], arg[2])
elif re.match("gb\|\S+\|\S+", s): arg = s.split('|'); return (arg[1], arg[2], arg[0], '')
elif re.match("emb\|\S+\|\S+", s): arg = s.split('|'); return (arg[1], arg[2], arg[0], '')
......@@ -766,9 +766,9 @@ def alignGlobal(seqA, seqB, substMatrix, gap = -1):
for i in range(1, lenA + 1):
for j in range(1, lenB + 1):
match = S[i-1, j-1] + substMatrix.get(seqA[i-1], seqB[j-1])
delete = S[i-1, j ] + gap
insert = S[i , j-1] + gap
S[i, j] = max([match, delete, insert])
fromTop = S[i-1, j ] + gap
fromLeft = S[i , j-1] + gap
S[i, j] = max([match, fromTop, fromLeft])
# Traceback the optimal alignment
alignA = '' # a string for sequence A when aligned (e.g. 'THIS-LI-NE-', initially empty).
alignB = '' # a string for sequence B when aligned (e.g. '--ISALIGNED', initially empty).
......@@ -825,9 +825,9 @@ def alignLocal(seqA, seqB, substMatrix, gap = -1):
for i in range(1, lenA + 1):
for j in range(1, lenB + 1):
match = S[i-1, j-1] + substMatrix.get(seqA[i-1], seqB[j-1])
delete = S[i-1, j ] + gap
insert = S[i , j-1] + gap
S[i, j] = max([match, delete, insert, 0]) # Local: add option that we re-start alignment from "0"
fromTop = S[i-1, j ] + gap
fromLeft = S[i , j-1] + gap
S[i, j] = max([match, fromTop, fromLeft, 0]) # Local: add option that we re-start alignment from "0"
# Trace back the optimal alignment
alignA = ''
alignB = ''
......@@ -430,7 +430,8 @@ def getRSpval(a, b):
for elem in b:
lst.append([elem, -1, 0])
# ok sort it
lst.sort(lambda p, q: cmp(p[0], q[0]))
#lst.sort(lambda p, q: cmp(p[0], q[0]))
sorted(lst, key=lambda x: x[0])
# let's go through it and edit each rank
......@@ -492,7 +493,7 @@ def getRSpval(a, b):
za=((ta_obs-ta_null)+da)/sd # the z value for A which is the mirror of ...
zb=((tb_obs-tb_null)+db)/sd # the z value for B (we only need one)
p=f(za) # figure out the area of the normal distribution
u=ua; # remember one of the U values
u=ua # remember one of the U values
return p # the p-value: null is that a==b, one-sided (a has lower values)
......@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ RNA_Alphabet = Alphabet('ACGU')
Protein_Alphabet = Alphabet('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY')
Protein_Alphabet_wX = Protein_wX = Alphabet('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWYX')
Protein_Alphabet_wSTOP = Protein_wSTOP = Alphabet('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY*')
DSSP_Alphabet = Alphabet('GHITEBSC')
DSSP3_Alphabet = Alphabet('HEC')
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ def fetch(entryId, dbName='uniprotkb', format='fasta'):
# Get the entry
data = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode("utf-8")
print (type(data))
if data.startswith("ERROR"):
raise RuntimeError(data)
return data
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