Commit f5d19d0a authored by Mikael Boden's avatar Mikael Boden


parent f5bf266d
......@@ -136,10 +136,14 @@ class BedEntry():
def getInterval(self):
return ival.Interval(self.chromStart, self.chromEnd)
def dist(entry1, entry2):
def dist(entry1, entry2, signed = False, centre2centre = False):
""" Calculate and return the BedEntry with the closest distance (from one end of the interval of this to the end of the interval of that).
If centre2centre is True, use the centre-to-centre distance instead.
If signed is True, the distance is negative if this interval is after the that.
if isinstance(entry1, BedEntry) and isinstance(entry2, BedEntry):
if (entry1.chrom == entry2.chrom):
return ival.dist(entry1.getInterval(), entry2.getInterval())
return ival.dist(entry1.getInterval(), entry2.getInterval(), signed, centre2centre)
return None
class BedFile:
......@@ -282,6 +286,18 @@ class BedFile:
else: return None
else: return None
def getOneOfClosest(self, item):
all = self.getClosest(item)
if all == None: return None
else: return next(iter(all))
def getOneOfOverlap(self, item):
all = self.getOverlap(item)
if all == None: return None
elif len(all) == 0: return None
else: return next(iter(all))
def readBedFile(filename, format = 'Limited'):
""" Read a BED file.
format: specifies the format of the file,
......@@ -294,14 +294,31 @@ class Interval:
def __sizeof__(self):
return self.max - self.min
def dist(self, that):
if (self.min > that.max): return self.min - that.max # that interval is BEFORE this
if (self.max < that.min): return that.min - self.max # that interval is AFTER this
return 0
def dist(first, second):
def dist(self, that, signed = False, centre2centre = False):
""" Calculate and return the closest distance (from one end of the interval of this to the end of the interval of that).
If centre2centre is True, use the centre-to-centre distance instead.
If signed is True, the distance is negative if this interval is after the that.
if not centre2centre:
if not signed:
if (self.min > that.max): return self.min - that.max # that interval is BEFORE this
if (self.max < that.min): return that.min - self.max # that interval is AFTER this
else: # distance is signed
if (self.min > that.max): return that.max - self.min # that interval is BEFORE this
if (self.max < that.min): return that.min - self.max # that interval is AFTER this
return 0
thiscentre = (self.max - self.min) / 2 + self.min
thatcentre = (that.max - that.min) / 2 + that.min
return thatcentre - thiscentre if signed else abs(thatcentre - thiscentre)
def dist(first, second, signed = False, centre2centre = False):
""" Calculate and return the closest distance (from one end of the interval to the other).
If centre2centre is True, use the centre-to-centre distance instead.
If signed is True, the distance is negative if the first is after the second.
if isinstance(first, Interval) and isinstance(second, Interval):
return first.dist(second)
return first.dist(second, signed, centre2centre)
return RuntimeError
def union(first, second):
......@@ -347,6 +364,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
k = Interval(24, 24)
l = Interval(52, 55)
print('dist(b,a,signed=False,centre2centre=False)=', dist(b, a, signed = False, centre2centre=False))
print('dist(b,a,signed=True,centre2centre=False)=', dist(b, a, signed = True, centre2centre=False))
print('dist(b,a,signed=False,centre2centre=True)=', dist(b, a, signed = False, centre2centre=True))
print('dist(b,a,signed=True,centre2centre=True)=', dist(b, a, signed = True, centre2centre=True))
t = IntervalTree()
t.put(a, 'A')
t.put(b, 'B')
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