Commit f9a4551b authored by Mikael Boden's avatar Mikael Boden


parent 06f131e6
''' '''
Module for classes and functions that are representing and processing basic probabilities. Module for classes and functions that are representing and processing basic probabilities.
Also includes Markov chain and hidden Markov model.
Uses and depends on "Alphabet" that is used to define discrete random variables. Uses and depends on "Alphabet" that is used to define discrete random variables.
''' '''
import random import random
...@@ -675,6 +676,10 @@ class IndepJoint(Joint): ...@@ -675,6 +676,10 @@ class IndepJoint(Joint):
return sorted(ret, key=lambda v: v[1], reverse=True) return sorted(ret, key=lambda v: v[1], reverse=True)
return ret return ret
# Naive Bayes' classifier
class NaiveBayes(): class NaiveBayes():
""" NaiveBayes implements a classifier: a model defined over a class variable """ NaiveBayes implements a classifier: a model defined over a class variable
and conditional on a list of discrete feature variables. and conditional on a list of discrete feature variables.
...@@ -719,26 +724,29 @@ class NaiveBayes(): ...@@ -719,26 +724,29 @@ class NaiveBayes():
out.observe(outsym, prob) out.observe(outsym, prob)
return out return out
# Markov chain
class MarkovChain(): class MarkovChain():
""" Markov Chain in a very simple form """ Markov Chain in a simple form; supports higher-orders and can determine (joint) probability of sequence.
""" """
def __init__(self, alpha, order = 1): def __init__(self, alpha, order = 1, startsym = '^', endsym = '$'):
""" Construct a new Markov chain based on a given alphabet of characters.
alpha: alphabet of allowed characters and states
order: the number of states to include in memory (default is 1)
startsym: the symbol to mark the first character in the internal sequence, and the first state
endsym: the symbol to mark the termination of the internal sequence (and the last state)
self.order = order self.order = order
self.startsym = '^' self.startsym = startsym
self.endsym = '$' self.endsym = endsym
self.alpha = Alphabet(alpha.symbols + tuple([self.startsym, self.endsym])) self.alpha = getTerminatedAlphabet(alpha, self.startsym, self.endsym)
self.transit = TupleStore([self.alpha for _ in range(order)]) # transition probs, i.e. given key (prev state/s) what is the prob of current state self.transit = TupleStore([self.alpha for _ in range(order)]) # transition probs, i.e. given key (prev state/s) what is the prob of current state
def _terminate(self, unterm_seq):
""" Terminate sequence with start and end symbols """
term_seq = [self.startsym for _ in range(self.order)]
return term_seq
def _getpairs(self, term_seq): def _getpairs(self, term_seq):
""" Return a tuple of all (tuple) Markov pairs from a sequence """ """ Return a tuple of all (tuple) Markov pairs from a sequence. Used internally. """
ret = [] ret = []
for i in range(len(term_seq) - self.order): for i in range(len(term_seq) - self.order):
past = tuple(term_seq[i:i + self.order]) past = tuple(term_seq[i:i + self.order])
...@@ -747,8 +755,10 @@ class MarkovChain(): ...@@ -747,8 +755,10 @@ class MarkovChain():
return tuple(ret) return tuple(ret)
def observe(self, wholeseq): def observe(self, wholeseq):
""" Set parameters by counting transitions """ """ Set parameters of Markov chain by counting transitions, as observed in the sequence.
myseq = self._terminate(wholeseq) wholeseq: the sequence not including the termination symbols.
myseq = _terminate(wholeseq, self.order, self.startsym, self.endsym)
for (past, present) in self._getpairs(myseq): for (past, present) in self._getpairs(myseq):
d = self.transit[past] d = self.transit[past]
if not d: # no distrib if not d: # no distrib
...@@ -757,8 +767,11 @@ class MarkovChain(): ...@@ -757,8 +767,11 @@ class MarkovChain():
d.observe(present) d.observe(present)
def __getitem__(self, wholeseq): def __getitem__(self, wholeseq):
""" Determine the log probability of a given sequence """ """ Determine the log probability of a given sequence.
myseq = self._terminate(wholeseq) wholeseq: the sequence not including the termination symbols.
returns the joint probability
myseq = _terminate(wholeseq, self.order, self.startsym, self.endsym)
logp = 0 logp = 0
for (past, present) in self._getpairs(myseq): for (past, present) in self._getpairs(myseq):
d = self.transit[past] d = self.transit[past]
...@@ -769,3 +782,172 @@ class MarkovChain(): ...@@ -769,3 +782,172 @@ class MarkovChain():
return None return None
logp += math.log(p) logp += math.log(p)
return logp return logp
def _terminate(unterm_seq, order = 1, startsym = '^', endsym = '$'):
""" Terminate sequence with start and end symbols """
term_seq = [startsym for _ in range(order)]
return term_seq
def getTerminatedAlphabet(alpha, startsym = '^', endsym = '$'):
""" Amend the given alphabet with termination symbols """
return Alphabet(alpha.symbols + tuple([startsym, endsym]))
# Hidden Markov model (HMM)
class HMM():
""" Basic, first-order HMM.
Has functionality to set up HMM, and query it with Viterbi and Forward algorithms."""
def __init__(self, states, symbols, startstate = '^', endstate = '$'):
""" Construct HMM with states and symbols, here given as strings of characters.
> cpg_hmm = prob.HMM('HL','ACGT')
if isinstance(states, str):
states = Alphabet(states)
self.mystates = getTerminatedAlphabet(states, startstate, endstate)
if isinstance(symbols, str):
symbols = Alphabet(symbols)
self.mysymbols = getTerminatedAlphabet(symbols, startstate, endstate)
self.a = dict() # transition probabilities
self.e = dict() # emission probabilities
self.startsym = startstate
self.endsym = endstate
def transition(self, fromstate, distrib):
""" Add a transition to the HMM, determining with the probability of transitions, e.g.
> cpg_hmm.transition('^',{'^':0,'$':0,'H':0.5,'L':0.5})
> cpg_hmm.transition('H',{'^':0,'$':0.001,'H':0.5,'L':0.5})
> cpg_hmm.transition('L',{'^':0,'$':0.001,'H':0.4,'L':0.6})
> cpg_hmm.transition('$',{'^':1,'$':0,'H':0,'L':0})
if not isinstance(distrib, Distrib):
distrib = Distrib(self.mystates, distrib)
self.a[fromstate] = distrib
def emission(self, state, distrib):
""" Add an emission probability to the HMM, e.g.
> cpg_hmm.emission('^',{'^':1,'$':0,'A':0,'C':0,'G':0,'T':0})
> cpg_hmm.emission('H',{'^':0,'$':0,'A':0.2,'C':0.3,'G':0.3,'T':0.2})
> cpg_hmm.emission('L',{'^':0,'$':0,'A':0.3,'C':0.2,'G':0.2,'T':0.3})
> cpg_hmm.emission('$',{'^':0,'$':1,'A':0,'C':0,'G':0,'T':0})
if not isinstance(distrib, Distrib):
distrib = Distrib(self.mysymbols, distrib)
self.e[state] = distrib
def joint(self, symseq, stateseq):
Determine the joint probability of the sequence and the given path.
:param symseq: sequence of characters
:param stateseq: sequence of states
:return: the probability
X = _terminate(symseq, 1, self.startsym, self.endsym)
P = _terminate(stateseq, 1, self.startsym, self.endsym)
p = 1
for i in range(len(X) - 1):
p = p * self.e[P[i]][X[i]] * self.a[P[i]][P[i + 1]]
return p
def viterbi(self, symseq, V = dict(), trace = dict()):
Determine the Viterbi path (the most probable sequence of states) given a sequence of symbols
:param symseq: sequence of symbols
:param V: the Viterbi dynamic programming variable as a matrix (optional; pass an empty dict if you need it)
:param trace: the traceback (optional; pass an empty dict if you need it)
:return: the Viterbi path as a string of characters
> X = 'GGCACTGAA' # sequence of characters
> states = cpg_hmm.viterbi(X)
> print(states)
X = _terminate(symseq, 1, self.startsym, self.endsym)
# Initialise state scores for each index in X
for state in self.mystates:
# Fill in emission probabilities for each index in X
V[state] = [self.e[state][x] for x in X]
trace[state] = []
for j in range(len(X) - 1):
i = j + 1 # sequence index that we're processing
for tostate in self.mystates:
tracemax = 0
beststate = None
for fromstate in self.mystates:
score = V[fromstate][i - 1] * self.a[fromstate][tostate]
if score > tracemax:
beststate = fromstate
tracemax = score
V[tostate][i] = self.e[tostate][X[i]] * tracemax
ret = ''
traced = '$'
for j in range(len(X)):
i = len(X) - 2 - j
traced = trace[traced][i]
if j > 0 and j < len(X) - 2:
ret = traced + ret
return ret
def forward(self, symseq, F = dict()):
Determine the probability of the sequence, summing over all possible state paths
:param symseq: sequence of symbols
:param F: the Forward dynamic programming variable as a matrix (optional; pass an empty dict if you need it)
:return: the probability
> X = 'GGCACTGAA' # sequence of characters
> prob = cpg_hmm.forward(X)
> print(prob)
X = _terminate(symseq, 1, self.startsym, self.endsym)
# Initialise state scores for each index in X
for state in self.mystates:
# Fill in emission probabilities for each index in X
F[state] = [self.e[state][x] for x in X]
for j in range(len(X) - 1):
i = j + 1 # sequence index that we're processing
for tostate in self.mystates:
mysum = 0
for fromstate in self.mystates:
mysum += F[fromstate][i - 1] * self.a[fromstate][tostate]
F[tostate][i] = self.e[tostate][X[i]] * mysum
traced = '$'
return F[traced][len(X) - 1]
def writeHTML(self, X, Viterbi, Trace = None, filename = None):
""" Generate HTML that displays a DP matrix from Viterbi (or Forward) algorithms.
> from IPython.core.display import HTML
> X = 'GGCACTGAA' # sequence of characters
> V = dict()
> T = dict()
> cpg_hmm.viterbi(X, V, T)
> HTML(cpg_hmm.writeHTML(X, V, T))
html = '''<html><head><meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type">\n<title>HMM dynamic programming matrix</title>\n</head><body><pre>\n'''
html += '<table style=\"width:100\%\">\n'
html += '<tr>\n'
html += '<th>X</th>\n'
for state in Viterbi:
html += '<th>%s</th>\n' % str(state)
html += '</tr>\n'
# process each sequence symbol
X = _terminate(X, 1, self.startsym, self.endsym)
for row in range(len(X)):
html += '<tr>\n'
html += '<td>x<sub>%d</sub>=<pre>%s</td>\n' % (row, str(X[row]))
for state in Viterbi:
if Trace and row > 0:
html += '<td>e<sub>%s</sub>(%s)=%4.2f<pre>V<sub>%s</sub>=%3.1e<pre>&uarr;%s[%4.2f]</td>\n' % (str(state),X[row],self.e[state][X[row]],str(state),Viterbi[state][row],Trace[state][row - 1],self.a[Trace[state][row - 1]][state] if Trace[state][row - 1] != None else 0)
html += '<td>e<sub>%s</sub>(%s)=%4.2f<pre>V<sub>%s</sub>=%3.1e</td>\n' % (str(state),X[row],self.e[state][X[row]],str(state),Viterbi[state][row])
html += '</tr>\n'
html += '</table>\n'
html += '</pre></body></html>'
if filename:
fh = open(filename, 'w')
return html
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